Ask A Baby Boomer

For Humana

In a society obsessed with youth culture, we wanted to be the first to celebrate the wealth of knowledge that exists within Baby Boomers, using our brand platform to celebrate and empower Baby Boomers, by collecting their wisdom and sharing it with all generations.


Ask a Baby Boomer,
with your voice.

What if you could tap into their wisdom just like they were in the room? And instead of Alexa replying, a real Baby Boomer’s voice would reply with the answer.


β€œAlexa, ask a Baby Boomer
for a surprising story.”

β€œAlexa, ask a Baby Boomer
for a good weekend activity.”

β€œAlexa, ask a Baby Boomer
for a healthy recipe.”


β€œAlexa, ask a Baby Boomer
what was Woodstock like?”

β€œAlexa, ask a Baby Boomer
for wisdom.”

β€œAlexa, ask a Baby Boomer
for a guided meditation.”


A hub of wisdom from Baby Boomers far and wide.

A place for knowledge to be sourced from.


Letting the world tap into wisdom. And inspire others to discover greatness.


Creating a social conversation, championing Baby Boomers.


Talking with users on Facebook, and sharing their story.


Turning a social platform of millennial selfies into faces of wisdom.

"humana Wisdom No. 53 – I grew up in a small town where everyone knew each other which made dating very difficult. Moving to a new city helped me turn a new page so to speak and reinvent myself romantically. – Erin #FacesOfWisdom"


A podcast by Baby Boomers,

with topics for other Baby Boomers and ones to surprise and educate other generations.


What would you ask a Baby Boomer?


Tags: Art Direction, Branding, Copywriting, Creative Strategy, Digital Design, Digital + Social, Graphic Design, Integrated Marketing, UI/UX Design, Visual Storytelling